STM News

Happy Early Birthday to Kambyl Stipes.

Attention Students:  The International Club will be having a book drive through Friday, April 28.  It will be a school-wide house competition.  We hope to collect primarily children’s books but will accept any that come our way.  African American and/or Latino main characters are encouraged but not required.  All donations will go towards filling a Little Library in Champaign.


Please check the lost and found table and take what is yours.  Remaining items will be donated to a local charity.  Check in the office for missing jewelry. 


Friday, April 14, is a Saber Day!  Students may wear a Saber Spirit top, school bottoms, and tennis shoes.


Join us today, Friday, April 14, for Cornerstone Board Game Café.  We will meet every Friday from 3:10 to 4:10 pm in the library.  Come learn some *New* Board games, sip some tea or coffee, eat a snack, and have tons of fun!


Mrs. Pagel is inviting anyone who is interested to join her for weekly prayer on Monday, April 17.  It will be a time to support each other in prayer and support our school and community.  Everyone is welcome.  Prayer will begin at 7:30 to 7:45 am.  Even if you arrive late, please join us.