Happy Birthday to Chloe Garcia and Christian Garcia.
Attention all Sophomores interested in taking or potentially taking AP US History next fall. There will be a brief informational meeting at 3:00 pm in Mr. Davis’ room, #102 on Thursday, May 11, to answer questions and discuss the summer assignment.
Are you interested in doing more science experiments, and figuring out how they work? Come to Science Club on Thursday, May 11 at 3:15-4pm in Mrs. McCoy's classroom!
STM Music After-school Band Club, P.M. (“Play More”). P.M. will meet on Thursday, May 11, from 3:05-4:00 PM in the music room. Don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Lee for questions.
Friday, May 12, STM will be on Bell Schedule #2 to accommodate for Saber House.
Friday, May 12, is a Saber Day! Students may wear a Saber Spirit top, school bottoms, and tennis shoes.
Salvete Omnes, Latin Club will meet Friday, May 12, at 7:30 am in room 106. There will be candy. Bring a friend.
Join us today, Friday, May 12, for Cornerstone Board Game Café. We will meet every Friday from 3:10 to 4:10 pm in the library. Come learn some *New* Board games, sip some tea or coffee, eat a snack, and have tons of fun!
Mrs. Pagel is inviting anyone who is interested to join her for weekly prayer on Monday, May 15. It will be a time to support each other in prayer and support our school and community. Everyone is welcome. Prayer will begin at 7:30 to 7:45 am. Even if you arrive late, please join us.
Madrigals auditions will be on Tuesday, May 16, Wednesday, May 17, and Friday, May 19 from 3:05 to 4:20 p.m. Choose your audition time through this link or contact Dr. Lee at clee@stm.org or Mr. Kreps at ckreps@hs-stm.org for a different audition time and any questions.