STM News

Madrigal rehearsal will be held on Tuesday, August 15 and Thursday, August 17 from 6:00 to 8:00 pm in the Music Room.  Questions, see Dr. Lee. 


Madrigal Fall auditions will be held on August 16, 17 and 18 after school in the Musica Room.  See Dr. Lee for more information.


Thursday, August 17 is Picture Day.  Students must wear Mass shirt (button down oxford shirt) and school tie.  Refer to email on ordering details.  All students must have their picture taken to receive their school ID. 


Mrs. McCoy has a bunch of new and exiting games for you to play.  Meet her in the library after school on Thursdays at 3:15 pm for all the fun.  The first meeting will be this Thursday, August 17.  See you there.


Students, Friday, August 18 is the last day to change your class schedule.  Email Mrs. Donahoe to schedule an appointment during your study hall, before or after school.