A representative from Eastern Illinois University will be here today, Tuesday, September 5 during the lunch hours. Please stop by and see what they have to offer.
As the chalices for Communion have returned, we need a few more students to serve as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. If you wish to serve in this capacity, please contact Fr. O'Brien if you are interested.
Mrs. Donahoe will be meeting briefly with all freshmen during their study halls for a check-in. If you do not have a study hall, please stop by Mrs. Donahoe’s office before or after school.
All are welcome to attend morning Mass on Thursday, September 7 at 7:00 am with the Life is Good apostolate. There will be a light breakfast to follow and discussion about our Pro-Life activities in preparation for the March for Life, Washington DC trip.
Mrs. McCoy has a bunch of new and exciting games for you to play. Meet her in the library after school on Thursdays at 3:15 pm for all the fun. The first meeting will be this Thursday, September 7. See you there.
Adoration Choir rehearsal will be in the Music Room from 3:05 to 4:05 pm on Thursday, September 7. Questions, see Dr. Lee or Mr. Mahoney.
Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors, if you have an unweighted GPA of 3.2 or above and are planning to apply to National Honor Society, then please attend the prospective member meeting either at 7:30 AM or 3:00 PM in the library this Friday, September 8. If you have any questions or are unable to attend the meeting, please let one of the NHS officers, Mr. McDonald, or Ms. Sherman know.