STM News

Happy Birthday to Mary Kathryn Kluesner and Mrs. Pagel.


Please check for lost and found table and take what is yours.  Remaining items will be donated to a local charity.  Check in the office for missing jewelry. 


A representative from the University of Illinois will be here today, Monday, September 11, during the lunch periods.  Please stop by and see what they have to offer.


Mrs. Donahoe will be meeting with all Sophomores this week for a brief check in.  Students will be called during study hall.  If you do not heave a study hall, please email Mrs. Donahoe to schedule a meet time.


The PM Band will meet on Monday, September 11 at 3:00 pm in the Music Room.  All are welcome to join.  Questions, see Dr. Lee.


Student Drivers, to accommodate for our guest on Tuesday, September 12, you will need to park on Saber Drive.  Please allow extra time for this so that you can arrive to school on time.


Join the fun after school on Wednesday, September 13 in room 214 for the Art Club.  You don’t need to be in an Art Club to join.  Questions, see Mrs. Pagel.


Mrs. McCoy has a bunch of new and exciting games for you to play.  Meet her in the library after school on Thursdays at 3:15 pm for all the fun.  The first meeting will be this Thursday, September 14.  See you there.


Adoration Choir rehearsal will be in the Music Room from 3:05 to 4:05 pm on Thursday, September 14.  Questions, see Dr. Lee or Mr. Mahoney.


International Club's next meeting will be Thursday, September 14, at 7:30 am in room 208. All students are invited to join.


Anyone trying their best to beat Mr. Ray at ping pong should join the Ping Pong Club, Friday, September 15 after school in the cafeteria.  Come join the fun!