Homecoming tickets will be sold near the front of the stage during lunch until October 6th. Tickets are $10 each. Don’t forget to bring your raffle ticket to the dance as the winner of the raffle will earn 50 points for their family.
Homecoming Dress Down Day Themes
Refer to page 33 of the Student Handbook for details regarding Dress Down Days.
Wednesday, October 4 - Wacky Tacky
Thursday, October 5 - Duo Day
Friday, October 6 - Green and Gold
Attention NHS Applicants, just a reminder of the deadline to turn in your NHS application is 3:30 pm on Wednesday, November 1st. No applications will be accepted after this date or time. Questions, see Mr. McDonald or Ms. Sherman.
Join the fun after school on Wednesday, October 4 in room 214 for the Art Club. You don’t need to be in an Art Club to join. Questions, see Mrs. Pagel.
There will be a Science Olympiad meeting today, Wednesday, October 4, right after school in Mr. Ray’s classroom. Everyone who is interested in the Science Olympiad this school year and those who have already signed up, you are encouraged to attend. We will assign the events and discuss the way-ahead.
All are welcome, including Faculty and Staff, to attend morning Mass Thursday, October 4 at 7:00 am with a light breakfast and meeting to follow. At the meeting, we will cover information about the Washington, DC March for Life trip, fundraising and a field trip on October 20 to Chick-fil-A and the Equity Clinic. March for Life DC field trip forms are due by Friday, October 13. Scholarships are available to attend the DC march.
Adoration Choir rehearsal will be in the Music Room from 3:05 to 4:05 pm on Thursday, October 5. Questions, see Dr. Lee or Mr. Mahoney.
SHH (Spanish Honor Society) will meet Friday, October 6, at 7:20 am in Room 103. See Mrs. Quick for questions.
Outside Guest Forms for the Homecoming Dance are due by Friday, October 6 at 3:00 pm. This includes a copy of a photo ID. Forms were emailed out last week and can also be found on the school website.
Join Mrs. McCoy in the library after school Friday, October 6, for the STM Board Game Club. Snacks will be provided.
Anyone trying their best to beat Mr. Ray at ping pong should join the Ping Pong Club, Friday, October 6 after school in the cafeteria. Come join the fun!