A thought for your Holy Tuesday…”Do not despair when you are suffering in life. A repentant and suffering soul is far more open to grace then an apathetic and smug one.”
Calling all Christians: Join STM’s trip on April 17 to Springfield to make know out love for all lives from conception until natural death. We will have Mass, March, Adoration, and fun. Please see Fr. O’Brien for forms or questions. There are extra copies forms available in the school office if he is away for the day.
Join the fun after school on Wednesday, March 27, in room 214 for the Art Club. You don’t need to be in an Art Club to join. Questions, see Mrs. Pagel.
Seniors, please check your email for a Google form for you to vote on ideas for the Class of 2024 Senior gift. Please complete the form by Wednesday, March 27.
The school will be closed March 28 through April 1 to celebrate the Easter Holiday.