STM News

Seniors:  Thursday, May 2 will be College-Shirt-Day.  Wear a shirt representing your choice for next year!


The Adoration Choir will be rehearsing on Thursday, May 2, from 3:00 to 4:00 pm in the Music Room.  If you would like to sing with the Adoration Choir, you can join Thursday's rehearsal.



Need help with your Spanish Homework?  Join SHH on Thursdays after school from 3:05 to 3:35 pm in room 103.  Please sign up using the QR code on the flyer located on the SHH bulletin board, so that someone will be ready to assist you.


Need help with your homework for any subject?  Any upcoming tests you would like help studying for?  Come to the NHS Tutoring session from 3:05 to 3:40 pm in the library today, Thursday, May 2.


SHH (Spanish Honor Society) will meet on Friday, May 3, at 7:20 am in Mrs. Quick’s room.  See Mrs. Quick for questions.


Join Mrs. McCoy in the library after school Friday, May 3, for the STM Board Game Club.  Snacks will be provided.


Join the Literature Club in Mr. McDonald’s room 204, after school on Friday, May 3.  Everyone is welcome to attend.


Anyone trying their best to beat Mr. Ray at ping pong should join the Ping Pong Club, Friday, May 3 after school in the cafeteria.  Come join the fun!