STM News

Happy Birthday to Joshua Kreps.

All students who plan to drive to school must fill out a Vehicle Registration form.  You can find the link for this form on the website under the “Student Tab.”  If your car is parked in the lot, and it is not registered, your car could be towed!  Please take a few minutes to fill out the form. 

Thursday, August 15, STM will be on Bell Schedule #3 to accommodate for All School Mass.  Students must be in Mass Attire, button down shirt, STM tie boys, and school pants. Girls may wear school pants or skirt. Students not in Mass Attire will be sent home to change.

Mark your calendars for Picture Day, scheduled for the morning of Thursday, August 15. All students need to be in Mass Attire to have their picture taken. These pictures will be for the school ID card.  Seniors, this is the picture that will be part of the Class of 2025 class composite to be hung in the halls of STM.  This event's Order Code is 87950SF.  Online ordering is available before and after Picture Day at
