Happy Birthday to Brodie Grey, Alexis Hege, and Jordynn Huskisson.
A thought for your Tuesday…..”Confessing a fault is the first half of the work to setting it right. It is the start, not the end of the process.”
Homecoming is just 3 weeks away. Make sure you check the school website for Dance Expectations, including appropriate dress expectations. Homecoming t-shirts can be ordered until noon on Thursday, August 29. Shirts are $15 and will be charged to your FACTS account. Find the link in this past newsletter emailed out.
Tuesday, August 27, STM will be on Bell Schedule #3 to accommodate for All School Adoration.
Do you want to know who Bob is? Do you want to join the elite who know all about Bob? Well join us in room 214 every Wednesday from 3:00 to 4:00 pm for Art Club. We look forward to seeing you there.
Thursday, August 29, STM will be on Bell Schedule #2 to accommodate for Saber House.
Join us every Thursday, right after school, in Mr. Davis’s room 102 for the Chess Club meeting. All levels of skill are welcome.
Do you want to celebrate and learn about cultures from around the world? Then come to the International Club on Friday, August 30. We are meeting in Mr. Paulus’ room, 208, at 7:40 am where we will share our plans for this year. If you can’t make it then, we will also have a short meeting after school on Friday. If you have questions, see Kaitlynn Ballard or Mr. Paulus.