Happy Birthday to Jimmy Nixon. Happy Early Birthday to Dylan Brandon and Vigo Etshitshi.
Calling all students: Help support our school by calling community members and inviting them to our gala. Stop by the office for more details. You will get service hours for making these calls.
STM’s inaugural Chess Tournament is Saturday, February 1. First prize is $150, 2nd prize is $75, 3rd is $25. Chess Master Pete Karagiannis will give a lecture during lunch on Father Tom Taylor’s draw against World Champion Anatoly Karpov. Fr. Tom is a priest in the Peoria Diocese and the donations for the tournament are given in his honor.
Attention Saber Drivers! If you are a new driver or have a new car or license plate number, please register your vehicle in the office with Mr. Horn. Vehicle in the parking lot that are not registered, may risk getting towed. And nobody likes that. Just see Mrs. Horn.

January 10th News
January 10, 2020