STM News

A thought for your Tuesday….”The purpose of prayer is not to incline God tour will, but the incline our will to God’s.  That is why we don’t say ‘Lord let me will be done’ but rather “Lord let your will be done.’”

The winner of yesterday’s trivia questions was Alex Mbungu.  He knew that Cinco de Mayo is celebrated to commemorate the Mexican victory against the French Army.

As part of Hispanic Heritage Month.  We will be celebrating each morning with a trivia question regarding Hispanic heritage in our country.  Write your answers and name on a piece of paper and put it in the TRIVIA RESPONSES box outside the door of room 103.  If you do not know the answer, feel free to look it up.  Each afternoon a winner will be chosen and a prize awarded the next day.  BUENA SUERTE!  Good luck.

What type of art was popular 20th century artist Frida Kahlo known for?

Bowl making night for Empty Bowl Supper will be canceled for Wednesday, September 25.  Bowls can still be made between 3:00 and 4:00 pm.

Reminder that the diaper drive is going on until Wednesday, September 25.  Please bring in either cash to your House Leaders or diapers or pull ups.  This is a family competition so points will be awarded.

Wednesday, September 25 will be our 1st Career Conversation lunch.  This month we welcome medical professionals.  They will share their journeys from high school to where they are now, offer tips and answer questions from students.  Please join us in the library during your lunch period.  Bring your lunch to eat during the conversation.

Join SHH as we celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month with our first Jarritos and Palomitas on Wednesday, September 25th in room 103, starting at 3:10 pm.  We will watch La Bamba.  Puntos Culturales can be earned for this event.

A representative from Jostens will be here during the lunch hours on Thursday, September 26 to collect the Senior graduation order forms and the Sophomore class ring order forms.  Additional order forms are in the school office.

There will be a Student/Parent Washington, DC March for Life informational meeting on Tuesday, October 1 at 7:00 pm in the STM Library.  All are welcome to attend.

You’re craving salsa!  STM’s new Spanish Club, Conexiones, will be offering 3 free mini salsa dance lessons in honor of Hispanic Heritage month.  Our very own talented dancers Gorvi and Rina will be teaching the basic salsa steps from 7:30 to 7:50 am in room 103 on Monday, September 30, Thursday, October 3 and Monday, October 7.  Pre-registration is required.  Puntos culturales will be offered to Spanish 1 participants.  Sign up before registration fills up.