Happy Birthday to Averi Hughes.
For anyone interested in the Fishers of Men Club hosted by Alejandro Hernandez; we will meet in Ms. Vandercars room before school beginning at 7:30 am every Monday and Wednesday to discuss fish keeping and how to set up a successful fish tank for STM. Stop by this Wednesday to see what it’s all about.
Fun Fact! Singing reduces stress levels. It releases stored muscle tension and decreases levels of the stress hormone called cortisol. So reduce your stress by joining the Mass Choir. Practices are Mondays from 3:00 to 3:40 pm.
The Claw Café has updated their hours. It will not be open in the mornings on Tuesdays and Thursdays and after school on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Make sure to stop by and Saber the Flavor.
Students, don’t forget to complete a Guest Request form if you are inviting a guest from another school to the Vice Versa Dance. Completed forms and a copy of your guest’s photo ID must be turned into the school office by 3:00 pm on Friday, February 21.
The PE and Health Classes are collecting for the American Heart Association. If you have $25 in donations by February 12, you will get a T-shirt and a Dress Down Day. So Let’s Save Lives.
Hey Sabers! What blood type do pessimists have? Be negative! We don’t care what blood type you have through. Anyone 16 and older can sign up to donate. Sign up at lunch with an NHS member to save lives. The Blood Drive will be held at STM on Wednesday, February 19.