We have raised $2,660 for the American Heart Association. On Monday, March 2, the top 3 will be announced. Who will get to go to Buffalo Wild Wings? We will soon find out. Keep sending those emails. Let’s Save Lives!
For anyone interested in the Fishers of Men Club hosted by Alejandro Hernandez. We will meet in Ms. Vandercar’s room 203 before school at 7:30 every Monday and Wednesday to discuss fishkeeping and how to set up a successful fish tank for STM.
Attention Ladies and Gentlemen of the Junior and Senior Class, LOGOS is approaching March 4-6. See Mrs. Gosda for registration forms. Come encounter the Word become Flesh Our Lord Jesus Christ. Permission slips are due today, Wednesday, February 26.
There will be softball open gym this Thursday, February 27 from 5:15 to 6:45 pm.
The STM Chess Championship is announced. 12 people have signed up so far, and sigh up continues until Friday, February 28. The games will be played over the next months at Chess Club, and the games have to be annotated. First prize is $100, 2nd prize $50, 3rd prize $25, and the game of the tournament will receive a special $25 prize.