STM News

Are you bringing a guest from another school to the Winter Dance on Saturday, February 15?  If so, the Guest Request form and a copy of your guest’s photo ID must be received in the office by 3:00 pm on Friday, February 14.  Guest Request forms are found on the STM homepage. Tickets can be purchased during the lunch periods.

NEW WORLD ROSARY PARTICIPANTS will meet with Sra. Stewart on Tuesday, February 11th at 7:30 am in room 103.  You are expected to know which slides and prayers you are doing.  Please practice your part(s) before coming. 


On Tuesday, February 11, there will be a Boys Tennis meeting at 6:00 pm in the STM Library with the new head coach, Mr. Pope. Students who wish to participate in Boys Tennis please plan to attend. Parents are also welcome.  If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Pope or Mr. Delaney.

EXPERIENCED STM WORLD ROSARY PARTICIPANTS will meet Wednesday, February 12 at 7:30 a.m. in room 103 or 8th or 9th hour in House Room (S.H. or Early Out).  If you have Early Out or study hall and will be coming in the afternoon to practice with Sra. Stewart, please send her an email ( to let her know if she will need to create an Appointment Pass for you, along with the hour and the name of your study hall teacher.  This should be done at least 12 hours in advance due to the number of students who may need passes.

Do you want to know who Bob is?  Do you want to join the elite who know all about Bob?  Well, join us in room 214 every Wednesday from 3:00 to 4:00 pm for Art Club.  We look forward to seeing you there.

Join us in the library every Friday after school for Game Club.  Come play Pokémon, Magic the Gathering, Dungeons and Dragons, Chess, UNO, Catan, and other types of games. There will be snacks and drinks provided.  Bring your friends and stay for a little or awhile.

Do you think you could beat Mr. Ray in a riveting game of Ping Pong?  If so, join the Ping Pong Club after school on Fridays.  The matches are held in the hallway outside the cafeteria.