Happy Birthday to Mary McDuffee and Ms. Sherman. Happy Early Birthday to Maggie Klein and Logan Wade.
Are you bringing a guest from another school to the Winter Dance on Saturday, February 15? If so, the Guest Request form and a copy of your guest’s photo ID must be received in the office by 3:00 pm on Friday, February 14. Guest Request forms are found on the STM homepage. Read your email regarding purchasing tickets.
Join us in the library every Friday after school for Game Club. Come play Pokémon, Magic the Gathering, Dungeons and Dragons, Chess, UNO, Catan, and other types of games. There will be snacks and drinks provided. Bring your friends and stay for a little or awhile.
Do you think you could beat Mr. Ray in a riveting game of Ping Pong? If so, join the Ping Pong Club after school on Fridays. The matches are held in the hallway outside the cafeteria.
All boys interested in playing tennis this year, there will be a meeting on Tuesday, February 18 at 6:00 pm in the STM Library. Parents are welcome to attend. See Mr. Pope or Mr. Delaney if you have any questions.
Attention all Art students from last year and this year, who are or were in Art 2, Portfolio, Applied Arts, Graphic Design, Photography, or Ceramics, Mrs. Pagel is planning her spring trip to St. Louis and is inviting you to attend. She needs to know by Tuesday, February 18 if you are interested in attending. Please email or stop by and let Mrs. Pagel know if you would like to participate.
ALL WORLD CULTURES’ WEEK TALENT PERFORMERS must see or email Mr. Mahoney by Tuesday, February 18th to let him know what you will be doing, in which lunch you will be performing, and what you will need from him. Please see him today!
Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica members: Please turn in todo el dinero to Sra. Stewart from your PULSERA sales by Thursday, February 20th. Your help on this international project is deeply appreciated!!! MIL GRACIAS.