STM News

Do you cook in the kitchen?  No, really, do you?  We need volunteers to bring in food for the Annual World Cultures Food Fest.  It can be homemade, or store bought.  See Mrs. Quick or fill out the Google Form in the school newsletter.  Food donations are needed by 11:15 am in the cafeteria on Thursday, February 27.

Do you want to know who Bob is?  Do you want to join the elite who know all about Bob?  Well, join us in room 214 every Wednesday from 3:00 to 4:00 pm for Art Club.  We look forward to seeing you there.

ATTENTION SHH MEMBERS: There is a mandatory meeting on Thursday, February 20, at 7:20 am starting in room 103.  Attendance is necessary as we will be organizing everything for World Cultures Week.

Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica members:  Please turn in todo el dinero to
Sra. Stewart from your PULSERA sales by Thursday, February 20th.  Your help on this international project is deeply appreciated!!!  MIL GRACIAS. 

Join us in the library every Friday after school for Game Club.  Come play Pokémon, Magic the Gathering, Dungeons and Dragons, Chess, UNO, Catan, and other types of games. There will be snacks and drinks provided.  Bring your friends and stay for a little or awhile.

Do you think you could beat Mr. Ray in a riveting game of Ping Pong?  If so, join the Ping Pong Club after school on Fridays.  The matches are held in the hallway outside the cafeteria. 

Join the Literature Club after school in room 204, Friday, February 21, from 3:00 to 4:00 pm.  We hope to see you there.