Good morning! We will be praying here in a moment but a little differently. First some logistical reminders.
Check this link for zoom meetings today.
No classes tomorrow or Monday.
We have some reminders for you today, as well. This evening, we begin the holiest season of our Church’s year - the Sacred Triduum. As we journey with Jesus into his Last Supper, Passion, Death, and ultimately his Resurrection, we wanted to give you some ideas on how you can prepare in your own homes.
For those of you who have Sr. M. Bridget as a teacher or who have been in her office this year, you hopefully noticed a small table she has in the front of her classroom and in her office that is decorated with a colored fabric (matching the liturgical year) and some holy items, some sacramentals. This is called a Sacred Space. You can make a Sacred Space in your own home. Those items might include a small table cloth or something of that sort, a Bible, a candle, a crucifix, etc. We invite you to create a Sacred Space of your own and throughout these holy days to meditate on the Word of God. We have some specific ideas for Scripture Meditation, or Lectio Divina.
Thursday- John 13-1-15
Friday- Isaiah 52:13-53:12 / John 18:1-19:42
Saturday- Exodus 14:15-15:1
Easter Sunday- John 20:1-9
Take time to truly enter into this holiest time of the year. Know that we are praying for you.
(Ended announcements with some silent prayer time)