Today is Wednesday! The following classes should count on a good time in Zoom: Biology, English 11, Stats, Art 2, Algebra 2, Latin 3 & 4, Web Design, Guitar, Digital Film Action, AP English, World History 2, Atmosphere, and Band.
Today’s high is supposed to be around 44*...I’d stay inside if I were you. Again, remember proper social distancing!!
Living the Faith Service Hours update - see the attached flyer for an opportunity to log some hours from the comfort of your home!
Congratulations to Connor Doyle and Mrs. Ogden who both answered the riddle correctly yesterday! The answer was: a candle (Easter candle)!
Today’s riddle: What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps?
Today is Abby Happ’s Birthday! Happy Birthday, Abby!!
We live our faith. We live with honesty and integrity. We strive for excellence. And we respect others. This is the Saber Way.
That is all for your morning announcements. Have a Wonderful Wednesday, Sabers.