Wednesday, May 6, 2020
-Classes: check the website
-Weather: warmer - high of 61; winds NNW at 10-20 mph
-Graduation update - seniors - I sent an email out yesterday; Baccalaureate Mass will be live-streamed from St. Matthew on Friday, May 15 at 10:00 a.m.; the awards ceremony will follow. All of this will be live-streamed on Facebook
-Book drop off/locker pick up on May 20 - more details to come in an email, but know that’s happening
-Yesterday’s quote: “I’ll give you a nickel for your pickle!” - Little Rascals! [Mrs. Horn, Mr. C, Mrs. Ehrlich, Mrs. Ogden]
-Today’s quote: “what shall we name him? … Oatmeal!”