Friday, May 8, 2020
-Classes: check the website!
-Weather: High of 52 with a chance of morning showers. It is supposed to get cold again tonight..down to 27! Bad night to camp out! And make sure you cover your outdoor plants!
-Our Latin students recently participated in the National Latin Exam. A hearty congratulations to Nationally recognized Latin Scholars: Jack McMillan, Jude Pisarczyk, Joseph Ulozas, James Goebel, Joe Sellett, Molly Moomaw, Samantha Valentine, Will Hoerner, and Jacob Studer for their outstanding performance this year on the National Latin Exam! Also, a huge congrats to Ryan Pinto & Leilani Costello on their performances on the exam!
-Yesterday’s quote: From Home Improvement! Congrats to Mrs. Horn, Mr. C, Mrs. Ehrlich, Mrs. Hege, Mrs. Ogden, and Jude P.
-”I brought you into this world and I can take you out of it.”