Students and Staff: Please mind the signs in the stairwells as they are one-way. Also, please remember to walk on the right-hand side of the halls and maintain proper social distancing at all times.
Attention All Saber Drivers! Please register your car as soon as possible with Mrs. Horn. This is our best way to keep track of cars parked in our STM lot each day. Any car not registered runs the risk of being towed. Even if you have a registration form on file, you must complete a new form each year.
Science Olympiad: Explore the world of science and engineering. STM has had a Science Olympiad team for over 10 years and we want to continue the tradition. For those who participated last year, the events are the same for this year. There is a signup sheet posted in front of Mrs. Hege's classroom, please sign up and I will get you started. Our goals are always the same, let's have some fun and learn something at the same time.
Ladies, if you are interested in being a Sacristan for Family Masses, please sign up with Mrs. Horn in the office. Gentlemen, if you are interested in being an Alter Server for Family Masses, please sign up with Mrs. Horn in the office.
Mark your calendars for Picture Day, scheduled for the morning of Thursday, August 20. Faculty and staff will be taking their photos before school starts in the Commons Area, outside the gym. Virtual students will be asked to arrive at 8:00 am to have their pictures taken. Immediately after the Virtual Students, the in-person students will be called down in alphabetical order. All students need to be in Mass Attire to have their picture taken. These pictures will be for the school ID card. Seniors, this is the picture that will be part of the Class of 2021 class composite to be hung in the halls of STM. Picture order forms are to be given to the photographer, not to the school office. Orders may be placed on line after Thursday. Details for online ordering will be given at a later time.