Happy Birthday to Mrs. Pagel, Mr. Vander Vennet, and Mr. Villanueva. Happy Early Birthday to Justen Green, Alex Reynolds, Ashanty Contreras and Ms. Wilhelm.
Friday is a Saber Day! Wear your STM Spirit Wear shirt and uniform bottoms with tennis shoes.
Attention Seniors! Senior Parking Spaces are now available and are $50 for the entire school year. Application/Approval Forms are in the front office. Senior spots will be on a first come, first served basis. Painting will occur during our Celebration Week at the end of the month. More details will be shared as the date approaches. Pick a spot today.
If you received an incorrect School Photo ID, please bring your ID to Mrs. Oliveira in the front office.
Time For Prayer - All students and staff are invited to for an hour of prayer on Fridays from 3:00 to4:00 pm. If you have any specific prayer requested, please leave them in the back of the Chapel.
Due to the locker installation, Monday, August 14 and Tuesday, August 15 will be All School Virtual Learning Days.
Don’t miss STM’s most exclusive club, Art Club, on Wednesday, September 16 at 3:10 pm in the Art Room. Officer elections will be held. If you’re interested in running for Art Club President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Historian, or IT, email Mrs. Pagel. Come chill with us like Bob Ross.