Students: Check Schoology for work for Thursday and Friday. No School on Monday. See you all Tuesday.
The missing box has been found. Girls Soccer Players, come to room 102 to get your apparel from last season. Come see Mrs. Gosda.
Students, please check the Lost and Found table located in the front hallway and take what it yours. Unclaimed items will be donated to a locate charity.
Students: Just a reminder that Freshmen and Juniors go to your lockers after odd hour classes and Sophomores and Seniors go to your lockers after even hour classes.
Students, please see the Lost and Found table in the front hall. Unclaimed items will be donated to a local charity.
Start the new year off with creativity by joining the Art Club. We meet every Wednesday from 3:10 to 4:00 pm in room 214. This Wednesday we will be planning this semester’s activities. See you there.
All staff and students are invited to join Miss Lyons after school on Wednesdays from 3:00 to 4:00 pm for an hour of prayer in our chapel. If you have any specific prayer requests, you may leave them in the black box in the back of the chapel or you may email them to Miss Lyons.
Drama Club will meet Monday, January 25 in room 204 at 3:15 to 4:00 pm. New members (freshman and others) are welcome! Due to COVID restrictions, meetings are limited to 20 participants only. Questions, see Mrs. Marquart.