TODAY’S NEWS for February 19, 2021

Happy Early Birthday to Yi Gao, Angeliese Clark, Brooke Erhard, and Mr. Woods.


Friday, February 19 is a Saber Day!  Wear your STM Spirit Wear shirt and uniform bottoms with tennis shoes.


Do you need Living The Faith Service Hours?  Join Fr. Pica for Stations of the Cross in the STM Chapel at 3:07 pm.  Join Father every Friday during Lent and earn 1 hour of Living the Faith Service Hour.


Drama club will meet Monday, Feb. 22 @ 3:15 in room 204. No Zoom option this meeting.


Are you looking for a way to save lives?  Or, just a good reason to get out of class?  Are you 16 years old and at least 110 pounds?  Talk to an NHS Member at lunch about becoming a blood donor.  NHS is holding our Annual Blood Drive, Thursday, February 25.  Help us out and get a T-shirt or gift card for doing so.


Art Supply Drive and House Competition!  Starting Tuesday, February 16, you have 2 weeks to bring in new art supplies or money that will be donated to schools and hospitals in need.  The competition runs from Monday, February 18 through February 26.  Examples of supplies needed include crayons, markers, erasers, and more but we can’t accept paint.  Packages should be counts of 8 or more.  Scores will be counted by the package and the Family who brings in the most supplies and money donations, win the most points.


School and Family Captain applications available this week! If you are a Junior and interested in becoming a Family or School Captain in the House System, please see Fr. Pica to pick up an application. Applications will be due Friday, February 26, 2021.