Happy Birthday to Daniel Messeh.
Homecoming is right around the corner! Tickets for the dance will be sold at lunch for $5.00. Come join the party.
Interested in playing Boys Basketball or Baseball this year and not in a Fall Sport? Come to the weight room every Tuesday and Thursday in September at 4:00 pm for lifting.
Salvete Omnes! [Sal-VAY-tay OM-nays!] Are you interested in being part of Latin Club this year? Please stop by and talk to Mr. Mahoney sometime today or next week. We will set a meeting day and time based on your input. Valete in Christo! [Vaal-AY-tay in CHREES-to!]
Are you looking for a Living the Faith Hours opportunity to earn service hours around the school? Talk to Mr. Mahoney about helping to organize the books in the school library. There will be several possible times available to work, including after school and even during certain Study Hall periods when the Library is not being used. See Mr. Mahoney for further details and to get started.
Friday is a Saber Day! Students may wear a Saber Spirit top, school bottoms, and tennis shoes.
NHS Recruitment Meeting will be on Thursday, September 9 at 7:30 am and 3:05 pm. Talk to Caroline Kerr, Ms. Sherman Mr. McDonald or any of the other officers for any questions.
House Leaders: as part of your commitment to STM as a student ambassador, you will be required to attend Shadow Visit Training during your lunch period on Friday, September 10. You will bring your lunch upstairs with you – student with hot lunch should come as quickly as possible from picking up their lunch. Training will be held in room 208, Mr. Paulus’ room. Additionally, students who are not Hose Leaders are also welcome to become Shadow Leaders. Any questions, see Mr. Vander Vennet or Miss Lyons.
For those seniors who signed up for a Senior parking spot, the Painting Party will be on Sunday, September 12 from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. Don’t forget to bring your supplies. See you then.