Today, Tuesday, November 30 is the last day to wear shorts and till April. Refer to pages 34-36 in the STM Student Handbook for more dress code details.
Chess Club meets Tuesday, November 30, in Mr. Sumitro’s room, 216, at 3:15 pm. Come and challenge the Chess Captain Aidan Beckett for a chance to win a $50 Amazon gift card.
Wednesday, December 1, STM will be on Bell Schedule #2 with All School Adoration beginning at 9:30 am.
Wednesday, December 8, STM will be on Bell Schedule #2 with All School Mass beginning at 9:30 am. ALL students, even late arrival students, are required to attend Mass. Students must be in Mass Day attire, white oxford shirts, school ties, etc. Shorts are not permitted on Mass Days. Students not in compliance with the dress code will be sent home.