Happy Birthday to Vigo Etshitshi.
We are starting a new movie group! Ladies that have 5B lunch are invited to come up to Mrs. McCoy’s room Mondays and Wednesdays during 5B lunch to watch movies about inspirational and faithful women! If you are interested in coming just bring your lunch up to Mrs. McCoy’s room #205. Everyone is welcome, you don’t have to be in one of her classes, so come and watch a movie with us!
Wednesday, January 12 STM will be on Bell #2 to accommodate for All School Adoration.
Art Club Members – Bring your Art Club sweatshirt to club today, Wednesday, January 12, so that we can paint them on the back. Anyone who has not been able to join us in Art Club is welcome to come anytime this semester.
There will be no school on Monday, January 17 to observe Martin Luther King Day.
Chess Club is going to meet after school on Tuesday, January 18 in Mr. Sumitor’s room.
Wednesday, January 19, STM will be on Bell #2 to accommodate for a Saber House Day.
Math Club will meet after school in Mr. Sumitor’s room on Wednesday, January 19.