Happy Belated Birthday to Angeliese Ribbe and Brooke Erhard.
Into the Woods, Jr. is seeking one or two students interested in serving as Stage Manager for our upcoming production. Time commitment is flexible but is typically Monday through Thursday evenings from 6pm to 9pm as well as availability for all performances (March 24, 25, and two on the 26th). Questions contact Mr Kreps at ckreps@hs-stm.org
The PE and Health classes have raised $2,245 for the American Heart Association. This Friday, February 25 is our last day and we are still $800 short of our goal. We can do to STM. Let’s do our part to help save lived.
There will be a captains’ practice for girls’ soccer this Tuesday, February 22 and Thursday, February 24 from 3:30 to 4:00 pm at the field. Join us to run and have fun.
Any boys interested in playing tennis this spring, there will be a meeting after school on Tuesday, February, 22 at 3:10 pm in the cafeteria.
Chess Club will meet Tuesday, February 22, at 3:15 pm in Mr. Sumitro’s room, #216. Come and challenge the Chess Captain Aidan Beckett for a chance to win a $50 Amazon gift card.
Today, Wednesday, February 23, is Movie Day! Ladies in 5b lunch join Mrs. McCoy for a movie.
Math Club will meet at 3:15 pm in Mr. Sumitro’s room on Wednesday, February 23.
Wednesday, February 23, STM will be on Bell #2 to accommodate for a Saber House Day.
The Vice Versa Dance is coming up on Saturday, February 26 from 8-10 p.m. in the Cafeteria. Please remember to check the dress and dance guidelines for appropriate attire guidelines and fill out an outside guest form, which needs to be turned in to the office by 3:00 pm the Friday, February 25, along with a photo ID of the guest. Tickets are being sold for $5 each during the lunch hours.