STM News

Tomorrow, April 13, is the PSAT for all Freshman and Sophomores.  You must be at school by 8:00 am.  Watch for an email from Sr. Bridget about where to report and what to bring.  Feel free to dress down so you are comfortable for the test.  The tests should be finished by 111:00 or so, unless you have specific accommodations.  Please arrange for a ride.  If you need to wait for a ride, please go to the cafeteria to wait as there will be people testing around the library area. 


Juniors and Seniors, tomorrow, April 13, is a Remote Learning Day for you.  Please complete any and all work from your teachers.  Watch Google Classroom and your email for more information from your teachers.


STM will be closed for Easter Break April 14 through 18.  The office will reopen on Tuesday, April 19. 


Wednesday, April 20, STM will be on Bell #2 to accommodate for All School Mass.  Students must be in Mass Attire, button down shirt, STM tie boys, and school pants.  Girls may wear school pants or skirt.  Students not in Mass Attire, will be sent home to change.


Students bringing a guest from another school to prom, the deadline to turn in the Guest Request Form and a copy of your guest’s photo ID is 3:00 pm on Friday, April 22.  Guest Request Forms are found on the STM homepage.