STM News

Happy Belated Birthday to Dr. Lee. 


All PE Lockers need to be cleaned out today.  Any remaining items will be donated to a local charity.


There will be a mandatory Cheer meeting Saturday, June 4th, at 10:00a.m. in the cafeteria for any student who intends to participate in Football Cheer and/or Basketball Cheer.  We will be discussing what you can expect in your upcoming Football and Basketball Seasons, UCA Summer Camp dates, Uniform fitting dates, and fundraising/outreach goals.  The meeting is open to students and parents.  If you have any questions, please email Sami Anderson at  


Attention students taking AP Language and Composition next year, please read your email regarding the course instructions and the June 6th deadline.


Hhhhiiiii!!! Do you enjoy comedy? Magic? A wacky, but familiar, story about finding your place in the world? Then come see Samantha Valentine, Aidan Beckett, Emily Ritter, Abby Deptula, Miia Popovics, and Jude Pisarczyk in their performance in Puffs: Or Seven Increasingly Eventful Years at a Certain School of Magic and Magic with the Twin City Theatre Company. Performances are on the Second Stage Theatre at Parkland at 7 pm on June 3rd and 4th and 2:30 pm on Sunday the 5th.