Happy Birthday to Madelynn Swisher.
Attention all student drivers! Please make sure you fill out a Vehicle Registration Form. You can find this form on the front page of the STM website. If you do not fill out a form to register your vehicle, you risk being TOWED off school grounds. See Mrs. Horn if you have questions.
Attention Freshman: Please run in your Freshman Retreat Permission flip to Mrs. Horn in the office ASAP. Thank you!
Art Club is meeting Wednesday, August 31 from 3:10 pm to 4:00 pm in the Art Room, #214. Attend in honor of Bob Ross.
Chess Club will meet Thursday, September 1, at 3:15 pm in Mr. Sumitro’s room, #216.
SHH (Spanish Honor Society) will meet Friday, September 2, at 7:30 am in Room 103. See Mrs. Quick for questions.
Friday, September 2, is a Saber Day! Students may wear a Saber Spirit top, school bottoms, and tennis shoes.