STM News

Happy Birthday to Isabel Jimenez.


There will be a meeting before and after school, Thursday September 8th for all sophomores, juniors, and seniors who are interested in applying to National Honor Society (NHS). The officers and Mr. McDonald will be there to talk about how to apply and navigate the application packet. There will also be some current members present at each meeting before school at 7:35 am, and after school at 3:10 pm.


Attention Juniors and Seniors, Thursday, September 8 is our first Career Investigation Lunch.  We will have a panel of experts in the medical field here during your lunch period.  Get your lunch and join us in the library for information and Q & A about medical careers.  Contact Mrs. Donahoe for more information and to RSVP. 


Chess Club will meet Thursday, September 8, at 3:15 pm in Mr. Sumitro’s room, #216. 


Film Club will meet Thursday, September 8 at 3:00 pm in room #204.  See Mr. McDonald for questions.


Friday, September 9, is a Saber Day!  Students may wear a Saber Spirit top, school bottoms, and tennis shoes.


This is a reminder to students in STM's Spanish Department to turn in your completed Pilsen field trip form and money to Sra. Stewart or Sra. Quick by Friday, September 9th.  Spanish 1 students may be offered more than 70 puntos culturales for participating in the full day trip.  Don't miss out on an incredible day filled with tons of Hispanic cultural experiences right in our own back yard!  Space is limited!


Join us today, Friday, September 9, for Cornerstone Board Game Café.  We will meet every Friday from 3:10 to 4:10 pm in the library.  Come learn some *New* Board games, sip some tea or coffee, eat a snack, and have tons of fun!